Help your fluency in a nifty way

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by finlay »

In Japanese, the word for "fag" or "gay", okama (usually written オカマ) can also be written お釜 in kanji (which actually means a kind of pot - I've no idea how the semantic shift happened, frankly). The onyomi of this character is "fu", as I just realised recently. This means that my name, which until now I've written as "富韻礼" in kanji (using the "fu" from "Fuji" which means rich, so rich-rhyme-bow), could also be written as "釜韻礼" (gay-rhyme-bow). I thought it was funny.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Qwynegold »

jal wrote:Es scheint das auch Schwulen* Kondome benützen.
It's said** that gays also use condoms.

*Is this an acceptable term comparable to "gay", or is it more of a slur?
**In both Dutch and German, there's this handy verb "scheinen"/"schijnen" that I don't know a good translation in English for.

だからみんなが女の人と結婚している。ゲイセックスがあったら、もっと大きいスキャンダル! :o
Dakara minna ga onna no hito to kekkon shite iru. Gei sekkusu ga attara, sukyandaru! :o
But they're all married to women. If there is gay sex it's an even bigger scandal! :o
finlay wrote:お前、ゲイじゃない?でも、性別はその見つけることの変なところではないさ。
Aren't you gay? But gender is not the weird thing about this discovery, jeez.
Mochiron anna koto wo mitsuketa no wa ichiban hen da.
Of course me finding that is the most shocking thing.
finlay wrote:皮肉だけど、安全のほうがいいかもしれないね。(前に思ったけど、書かなかった)
Just sarcasm, but better safe than sorry, right? (I thought this before but didn't write it)
Ee, BB dattara motto akireta. Demo sou dattara watashi wa kono koto ni tsuite shiranai.
Well, BB would be more scandalous. But then I wouldn't even know about this.
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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Qwynegold »

Viktor77 wrote:Visi gauna prezervatyvus, pavyzdžiui, žinau kai kurias organizacijas, kas tik išdalija gatvėje prezervatyvus žmonėms. Taip nesijaudink! Problema išspręsta.

Everyone gets condoms, for example, I know some organisations who just hand out condoms to people in the street. So don't worry! Problem solved.
Sonna kondomu janai. Kore wa, saa, kondomu ga 10 - 20-mai aru pakkeeji da.
It's not that kind of condoms. This was a whole package with maybe 10-20 condoms.
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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Thry »

Tal vez que as suas mulheres visitaram-nos?
Maybe their wives visited?

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Ziz »

בעוד שבוע, אסע לארץ לטיול להט"בי שמה. אגיע בזמן להיות בגאווה בתל אביב. זאת תהיה לי הפעם הראשונה שאשתתף בארוע כזה. כל הזמן אומרים שהגאווה בתל אביב היא בין הכי טובות, אבל אני קצת מתוח. בסוף אוגוסט, אחזור לישראל בתור מורה לאנגלית בבית ספר ברחובות. אגור שם 10 חודשים. אני כל כך מתרגש לגור מחוץ לארצות הברית לפעם הראשונה.
Be-ʻod shavuaʻ, esaʻ la-ʼArets le-ṭiyul lahaṭabi shamah. Agiaʻ ba-zeman lehiyot ba-gaʼaṿah be-Tel Aviv. Zot tihyeh li ha-paʻam ha-rishonah she-eshtatef be-eruaʻ ka-zeh. Kol ha-zeman omrim sheha-gaʼaṿah be-Tel Aviv hi ben hakhi ṭovot, aval ani ḳtsat matuaḥ. Be-sof Ogust, aḥzor le-Yiśraʼel be-tor moreh le-anglit be-bet sefer be-Reḥovot. Agur sham ʻaśarah ḥodashim. Ani kol kakh mitragesh lagur mi-ḥuts le-Artsot ha-Berit le-paʻam ha-rishonah.

In just another week, I'll be going on an LGBT trip in Israel. I'll get there in time to go to Tel Aviv Pride. It'll be my first time at any kind of event like this. They're always saying that Pride in Tel Aviv is one of the best, but I'm a little nervous. At the end of August, I'll be coming back to Israel to teach English in Rehovot for 10 months. I'm so excited to live outside of the US for the first time.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by linguoboy »

finlay wrote:In Japanese, the word for "fag" or "gay", okama (usually written オカマ) can also be written お釜 in kanji (which actually means a kind of pot - I've no idea how the semantic shift happened, frankly).
Ganz einfach. Diese Art von Reistopf ist arschförming. Also, das ist eine Anspielung aufs Arschficken.
Quite simply. This kind of rice pot is ass-shaped. So it's a reference to bumming.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

"Gay" em gíria brasileira é 'bicho'.

'Gay' in brazilian slang is 'bicho' (beast or insect).

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Thry »

Estás seguro? Em português europeu é bicha e é pejorativo. Acho que a palavra neutra é gay.
Are you sure? In European Portuguese it's bicha and it's pejorative (fag). I think the neutral term is gay.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Imralu »

jal wrote:
Qwynegold wrote:But why would you use that at work? And with whom? There are only men in this office.
Es scheint, dass auch Schwulen* Kondome benutzen.
It's said** that gays also use condoms.
»Benützen« wird anscheinend im Süden verwendet, aber ich habe nur benutzen gehört.
"Benützen" is apparently used in the south, but I've only heard "benutzen"
jal wrote:*Is this an acceptable term comparable to "gay", or is it more of a slur?
It's acceptable. It's the normal word for "gay". No "n" there though because it's an adjective and declined as such. Ein Schwuler - der Schwule - Schwule - die Schwulen. What I find a bit icky is the word "gays", as a noun, in English, but that's another conversation.
jal wrote:**In both Dutch and German, there's this handy verb "scheinen"/"schijnen" that I don't know a good translation in English for.
It's basically seem. It seems that ... although this sounds as if you are making a deduction based on indirect evidence. Your English translation with It's said that ... would probably be better translated with Man sagt, dass .... Also, beware the difference between dass (the complementiser) and das (definite article, demonstrative article or pronoun or relative pronoun in the neuter nominative or accusative) - I know native speakers that get that wrong though because they're homophones (and surely also from the same source).
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Ziz »

Imralu wrote:
jal wrote:
Qwynegold wrote:But why would you use that at work? And with whom? There are only men in this office.
Es scheint, dass auch Schwulen* Kondome benutzen.
It's said** that gays also use condoms.
»Benützen« wird anscheinend im Süden verwendet, aber ich habe nur benutzen gehört.
"Benützen" is apparently used in the south, but I've only heard "benutzen"
אויף יידיש, הערט מע ביידע. באניצן איז דער רעפלעקס פון דער מיטלהויכדייטשער פארעם מיט ü, און באנוצן איז א פנים א קאגנאט מיט דער סטאנדארדער פארעם. ס' מאכט זין, אז אויף יידיש זאגט מע אויך מיט i, ווייל יידיש האט א סך פאנאלאגישע און לעקסישע געמיינזאמקייטן מיט די דיאלקטן פון דרומדיקן דייטשלאנד.
Oyf Yidish, hert me beyde. Banitsn iz der refleks fun der mitlhoykhdaytsher forem mit ü, un banutsn iz a ponem a kognat mit der standarder forem. ‘S makht zin, az oyf Yidish zogt me oykh mit i, vayl Yidish hot a sakh fonologishe un leksishe gemeynzamkaytn mit di dialektn fun doremdikn Daytshland.

You hear both in Yiddish. Banitsn is the reflex of the MHG form with ü, and banutsn is of course cognate to the standard form. It makes sense that Yiddish also has a form with i, since Yiddish has a lot of phonological/lexical commonalities with the southern German dialects.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Qwynegold »

Thry wrote:Tal vez que as suas mulheres visitaram-nos?
Maybe their wives visited?
Saa ne.
Who knows.
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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by jal »

Imralu wrote:"Benützen" is apparently used in the south, but I've only heard "benutzen"
Ok, danke.
Ok, thanks.
No "n" there though because it's an adjective and declined as such. Ein Schwuler - der Schwule - Schwule - die Schwulen.
Du sagst "kein n", aber schreibst "die Schwulen", mit "n". Verstehe ich etwas nicht, oder?
You say "no n", but write "diw Schwulen" with "n". Am I not understanding something?
What I find a bit icky is the word "gays", as a noun, in English, but that's another conversation.
Da Englisch nicht meine Muttersprache ist, ist es möglich, dass ich auch auf Englisch Fehler mache. Ich entschuldige mich, wenn ich etwas gesagt habe, das nicht nett war.
Since English is not my mothertongue, it's possible I make mistakes in English as well. I appologize in case I've said something that wasn't nice.
It's basically seem. It seems that ... although this sounds as if you are making a deduction based on indirect evidence.
Genau! "Scheinen" (und Niederländisch "schijnen") bedeutet mehr "vom Hörensagen".
Exactly! "Scheinen" indicates more like it's hearsay.
Also, beware the difference between dass (the complementiser) and das (definite article, demonstrative article or pronoun or relative pronoun in the neuter nominative or accusative) - I know native speakers that get that wrong though because they're homophones (and surely also from the same source).
Danke, ich weiss dass ich immer Fehler mache damit...
Thanks, I know I'm making mistakes with that all the time...


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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by linguoboy »

jal wrote:
No "n" there though because it's an adjective and declined as such. Ein Schwuler - der Schwule - Schwule - die Schwulen.
Du sagst "kein n", aber schreibst "die Schwulen", mit "n". Verstehe ich etwas nicht, oder?
Offensichtlich. Die Anwesenheit des bestimmten Artikels ist nicht unwichtig.
Evidently. The presence of the definite article makes a difference.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by jal »

linguoboy wrote:Offensichtlich. Die Anwesenheit des bestimmten Artikels ist nicht unwichtig.
Ach so! Danke!
I see! Thanks!


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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by vampireshark »

jal wrote:Da Englisch nicht meine Muttersprache ist, ist es möglich, dass ich auch auf Englisch Fehler mache. Ich entschuldige mich, wenn ich etwas gesagt habe, das nicht nett war.
Since English is not my [mother tongue], it's possible I make mistakes in English as well. I [apologize] in case I've said something that wasn't nice.
Je trouve que vos capacités en anglais écrit sont mieux qu'un grand nombre de parleurs natifs que je connais. (C'est parce que travaille avec beaucoup de scientistes, peut-être.)
I find that you write English better than a lot of native speakers I know. (Maybe it's because I work primarily around scientists.)
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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Thry »

Sientists conversate badlier?
Do scientists speak worse?

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by jal »

vampireshark wrote:I find that you write English better than a lot of native speakers I know.
Merci bien! J'essaye écrire aussi bon que je le peut.
Thanks very much! I try to write as good as I can [but in French it sucks :)].
Thry wrote:Do scientists speak worse?
Nein, aber Sie schreiben schlechter.
No, but they write worse.


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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

jal wrote: Merci bien! J'essaye à écrire aussi bon bien que je le peut.
Some mistakes I spotted as a non-native speaker. There are some other things I'm not sure about, but I'll leave those to others to comment on.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

Dē Graut Bʉr wrote:
jal wrote: Merci bien! J'essaye à écrire aussi bon bien que je le peut.
Some mistakes I spotted as a non-native speaker. There are some other things I'm not sure about, but I'll leave those to others to comment on.
the que je le peut is definitely not good but I as a non-native speaker also cannot put my finger on what it should be. I don't even know what he means by it.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by jal »

sirdanilot wrote:I don't even know what he means by it.
Deswegen gibt es ein übersetzung auf English darunter ;).
That's why there's a translation in English below it ;).


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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

Oh I see it now.

J'essaie à écrire avec mes meilleures capacitées , perhaps?

Internet says it's essayer de not à. woops, it's essayer de faire, but essayer à X

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by jal »

sirdanilot wrote:J'essaie à écrire avec mes meilleures capacitées
Ich habe ein bischen auf Internet gesucht, und es ist "j'essaie d'écrire". Ich bin nicht sicher über "aussi bien/bon que", ich habe beide gefunden.
I've googled a bit and it's "j'essaie d'écrire". I'm not sure about "aussi bien/bon que", I've found both.


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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

Doesn't the yiuel guy speak french as a native? He will know.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by jal »

sirdanilot wrote:Doesn't the yiuel guy speak french as a native? He will know.
Es gibt mehrere Französisch Sprächer hier, aber ich weiss nicht, ob sie auch dieses Topic lesen.
There's a number of French speakers here, but I'm not sure whether they read this topic.


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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

Hojé é bem quentinho aqui. Vou pegar sol de aqui ao pouco, tomar algumas cervejas, talvez fumar. Estou chegando de fumar, más é tão difícil... Eu tomo um cigarra só cada dia, não é muito.

Today it is nice and warm here. I will go sit in the sun in a while, take some beers, maybe smoke... But I am trying to quit smoking but it's so difficult. I take only one cigarette every day which isn't that much.

It's too warm to look up what 'cigarette' actually is in portuguese, haha. I don't know anyone who smokes in Brazil, because I mostly know my family and they are vehemently evangelical and thus anti-smoking (and they also hardly drink).

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